UGM Dallas Launched “Shielding the Homeless” Campaign During COVID-19 Crisis to Protect Homeless Individuals and Our Communities

Dallas, Texas March 26, 2020 –Union Gospel Mission (UGM) Dallas has taken on a vital role to keep our community safe during the COVID-19 pandemic. They have welcomed hundreds of additional homeless men, women, children and veterans to shield them from exposure to the virus and spreading it throughout our communities. While typically operating as an overnight shelter, they are now housing the homeless residents 24 hours a day, 7 days a week for up to 6 weeks. Operation Care International pitched in by donating personal hygiene products, water and juice to assist UGM Dallas


“Our staff and community partners came together quickly to help organize and implement changes in order to house and feed the additional homeless residents,” commented Bruce Butler, CEO of UGM Dallas. “Those in the community looking for a way to offer relief to the homeless during this time can make an online donation at that will assist us with the additional expenses during this time.” Click here for photos & video


Our community partner, WiseLift Chair, sponsored a special t-shirt with the Shielding the Homeless logo which the staff and homeless guests are enjoying. “I love that the homeless guests feel safe and joined the campaign by self-monitoring each other to use gloves and sanitizers,” stated Greg Cohen, CEO of WiseLift Chair.


The Time Group, UGM Dallas’ marketing firm, created the Shielding the Homeless campaign to help bring awareness for the need of the homeless guests to shelter in place and also created a community outreach fundraising program to help with the expenses of housing hundreds of extra individuals. The campaign includes radio, social media, newsletters and emails.


For more information or to donate, please visit