SCIS, SteriFlight, and UGM Dallas are Shielding the Homeless with UVC Sanitization

July 23, 2021 – Dallas, Texas. The media is invited today as UGM Dallas Center of Hope will be benefitting from the “Protecting the Community” campaign which utilizes UVC equipment to sanitize their facility. The sanitization process helps reduce the spread of COVID-19 to the communities most vulnerable members. Click to View Images

Throughout the COVID-19 health crisis, UGM Dallas has opened the doors to the homeless men, women, children, and veterans in the Dallas community with businesses like SteriFlight and SCIS Air Security providing valuable support.

When:             Friday, July 23rd


Where:            4815 Cass Street

                        Dallas, Texas 75235

Who:               Gregg Cohen, President of SteriFlight and Randy Barnard, President of SCIS Air Security,                          are teaming up to support UGM Dallas as part of their charitable campaign “Protecting the                                Community” through their UVC Sanitization Program.  Click to Watch Informational Video

Why:               “Our hope in establishing the “Protecting the Community” campaign is to inspire and challenge both our employees and other businesses and organizations to find a way to use their skill set to better our local community,” stated Gregg Cohen, President of SteriFlight. “By donating our UVC sanitization equipment and services to UGM Dallas, we took the technology and knowledge we had and used it to serve those in need.” Click to See Video

According to the CDC, “Reducing the risk of exposure to COVID-19 by cleaning and disinfection is an important part of opening public spaces that will require careful planning. Every American has been called upon to slow the spread of the virus through social distancing and prevention hygiene, such as frequently washing your hands and wearing masks. Everyone also has a role in making sure our communities are as safe as possible to open and remain open.”  SCIS and SteriFlight are proud to be able to make a difference in our community that will help protect society’s most vulnerable groups and aid in the economic recovery from COVID-19. Click to Watch Video

For More Information:

            SteriFlight    Gregg Cohen, 214.381.8504

            SCIS Air Security.   817.792.4500

            UGM Dallas     214.637.6117