UGM Dallas Celebrates 70th Anniversary with Sir Earl Toon of Kool & The Gang

Dallas, TX – November 4, 2019   Union Gospel Mission (UGM) Dallas held a special celebration dinner and concert, emceed by Lady Diamond, Saturday evening to celebrate 70 years of serving the homeless community in Dallas. The event brought together donors, volunteers and staff dressed in their favorite music decade to recall the history of UGM Dallas. Everyone heard stories of those who had overcome extremely desperate situations and enjoyed a concert by Sir Earl Toon of Kool and the Gang. Click for video

During the evening, UGM Dallas presented special appreciation awards to the following recipients: The Millet Family of Millet the Printer, Inc., Kay Jones of KLTY, North Dallas Community Bible Fellowship, Park Cities Presbyterian Church, Macedonia Baptist Church, Claire & Richard Swanson, Kevin Woods, Mary Margaret Hickey, Laura Davis, Rachel Brown and Patrice Denning. Click for Photos

“We want to thank the community, our donors, our business partners, our volunteers and our staff for all they do to assist UGM Dallas. Our 70th Anniversary Celebration was a great time to reflect on how far we’ve come, while at the same time, renewing our vision and rededicating ourselves to the mission of ending homelessness one person at a time,” stated Bruce Butler, CEO of UGM Dallas.

In 1949, a group of Christian businessmen began visiting with the homeless on the streets of Dallas. Then in 1962, UGM Dallas opened their first homeless shelter that would house up to 75 men and 30 women. Since that time, they have added Center of Hope Women and Children’s Shelter and an additional site to house single women without children. UGM Dallas does more than just offer a warm meal and a warm bed. The shelter offers on-site learning centers to assist with basic math, reading and computer skills. UGM Dallas also partners with numerous business leaders and businesses to offer clients job readiness training and job placement.

For more information on UGM Dallas, please visit

About UGM Dallas

The Mission assists individuals in Dallas County by providing more than 199,304 nights of shelter and serving 606,145 meals annually.  Their mission is to transform lives to end homelessness one person at a time.